California Rodeo Salinas

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Hall of Fame Nomination Form

The California Rodeo Salinas Hall of Fame strives to preserve the heritage, history and traditions of the California Rodeo Salinas along with showcasing individuals, organizations and livestock whose distinctive contributions to the California Rodeo Salinas have helped keep the traditions of the West alive.

A Hall of Fame Committee will review nominees and select inductees. Chosen inductees will be honored during our Hall of Fame induction event during the California Rodeo Salinas.

Deadline for nomination is February 28, 2025.


Nominations must include the following:

-Letter of Nomination (at least one)

-A detailed biography, including California Rodeo Salinas involvement, family ties,accomplishments, etc.

-A minimum of one photograph (attach digitally if using this form; print the pdf form and submit photos with that if you choose not to complete the process digitally)

-Completed Nomination Form; incomplete forms will not be considered.

-Please keep nomination packets to less than 10 pages.

Along with the information requested, additional photographs, newspaper articles, clippings, videos and other relevant references may be submitted.

Nominee Information

Personal Information

Category to be considered for Induction (select only one): See descriptions of each category below.

Photo 1 Upload an image here
Photo 2 (not required)
Photo 3 (not required)

Nominee's Rodeo & Other Information

Additional Information (that didn't fit above) PDF documents preferred.
Letter of Nomination

Contact information for the person making the nomination

Email additional documents or photographs to before February 28th with the subject Hall of Fame - (INSERT NAME OF NOMINEE).


Contestants: must have competed in California Rodeo Salinas multiple times and/or had notable achievements at the event and be retired from competition (except for Gold Card Team Ropers).

Performers: to include performers, announcers, bullfighters and other contracted personnel of the show. These performers must have appeared/been hired in Salinas for multiple years (do not have to be consecutive years).

Committee Members: must have been a member in good standing and have volunteered for the California Rodeo Salinas for at least 20 years. This category

includes Past Presidents, Directors, Officers, etc.

Supporters/Contributors: to include longtime supporters, promoters and contributors to the California Rodeo who have been ambassadors for our event/the sport of Rodeo. Examples would be media outlets, families, individuals or organizations.

Livestock: must have contributed to the stock used at the Rodeo or performed in the Salinas arena. To include timed event horses, livestock, etc.

Notable: a wild card in the event that someone significantly influences the association/ event and fits no categories above.

Special Thanks to Our All Around Grand Champion Sponsors

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